Monday, August 25, 2008

Please Open Your Wallet

The Democratic Party is meeting in Denver this week for its nominating convention, but why?

We already know who the Democratic Party will offer to voters in the upcoming presidential election. That was decided back in May when Barack Obama won the primary and caucus votes to secure enough delegates to win the nomination. In the United States we now spend almost two years electing our presidents ... through the official candidate announcements, through the primaries and caucus' followed by the conventions, through the post-convention campaign, and finally to election day. Never have the American people suffered through so much to get a president ... a president who will spend the next four years governing with his or her ultimate goal of being re-elected.

So why do we still have political party nominating conventions? It's not just for the free television coverage. The major networks have whittled down the coverage to the bare minimum. The bulk of the coverage will be shouldered by the internet and the cable news channels such as MSNBC, CNN, and Fox News.

We still have the political party nominating conventions to raise money for the presidential campaigns. Yes, the conventions are a "feel good" event for the political parties ... a chance to showcase each candidate, and a chance to take jabs at the opposition. However, the chance to shake hands with the power mongers as one opens the wallet and check book is a powerful aphrodisiac. To mention at a cocktail party or family gathering that one has met -- or has had a photo taken with -- democrat Nancy Pelosi or republican former president George H.W. Bush, is worth a sizeable donation.

I've met presidents, worked for presidents, plus worked with and partied with members of Congress, and you know what ... they still charge me $5.25 for a venti latte at Starbucks. I've been to two political conventions, and I still have to stand in line at the Taco Bell, still have to pay $3.50 a gallon to fill my gas tank, and still have to pay for music downloads for my iPod.

Everything taking place at the party conventions has a purpose, and the biggest purpose is to add money to the coffers in order to finance this election. According to the web site, which states it is the Center for Responsive Politics, candidates will each need to raise an estimated $500 million. That's money for TV and radio commercials, newspaper ads, billboards, campaign buttons and balloons, campaign airplanes and staffs, campaign headquarters, campaign travel and meals, and a lot of other stuff. Campaigning is big business, and takes big bucks. 

For that reason, you will see Michelle Obama making her plea for votes and money, as well as Senator Hillary Clinton and her former-president-husband Bill Clinton making pleas for money and unity.  

Caroline Kennedy will harken Democrats back to the time of Camelot as she addresses the convention. She will "stir the pot" as she introduces the tribute to her legendary uncle Senator Ted Kennedy ... a tribute which raises the emotion and opens the wallets of Democrats as they say "good-bye" to the second longest serving member of congress who fights a battle with brain cancer.

So as you watch the conventions -- if you watch the conventions -- remember the purpose of the conventions. You might as well be sitting on the sofa with a bullseye on your back. You are a sitting target ... for both your vote and your contribution.

 " ... or so this news junkie thinks!"

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