Saturday, August 30, 2008

Pandering By Any Name Is Still Pandering ...

Saying  "our thoughts and prayers  (are with) the people on the Gulf Coast, especially New Orleans," Republican presidential candidate John McCain and his running mate Governor Sarah Palin plan to visit Jackson, Mississippi Sunday.

McCain and Palin were invited by Mississippi Governor Haley Barbour ... the former head of the Republican National Committee who knows exactly the way to get free news coverage. However, as Mississippi faces a state of emergency imposed by Barbour, and as more than 1-million people flee Louisiana to outrun Hurricane Gustav, the last thing anybody needs is a visit from some politicians looking to cash in on the traveling news media making their way south.

Right now, the people of Mississippi and Louisiana need a lot of things, including comfort, reassurance, and resilience. The last thing needed is a political stop-over designed to garner headlines.

While residents scramble to pack belongings, make arrangements for lodging, deal with the anxiety and Post Traumatic Stress of Hurricane Katrina, and try to out guess Gustav, somebody should explain to McCain this is not the time to campaign in Dixie.

Instead, this is the time hurricane weary citizens need -- and want -- all the weather information available, along with a few laughs and some football as respites from the fear. Presently the worry is what -- if anything -- will be left of homes and personal belongings when this is over? Will jobs still be available next week? Will the family car make it out of town? Will the family be together? Is there gasoline available and how much will it cost? And most of all, how can this be happing again?

Senator McCain and Governor Palin ... with all do respect, please stay away. You will have your shot in the spotlight at your national convention next week. And if you are upstaged by Gustav and decide to postpone your convention, you will still get your "moment." Right now, please consider the psyche of those in Gustav's path. If you do, you may get even more votes come November.

" ... or so this news junkie thinks!"

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